CryptoShield Your Crypto Directly
in MetaMask


Protect your crypto directly in MetaMask

The landscape of wallet technology has evolved significantly.

Snaps are innovative functionalities developed by third-party developers, accessible for installation directly into MetaMask by users worldwide. Instead of juggling multiple browser extensions and software, users can now integrate features seamlessly as a Snap within MetaMask.

CryptoShield proudly stands out as the leading transaction insights MetaMask Snap, dedicated to enhancing crypto protection. By detecting wallet drainers, translating transactions into understandable terms, and providing risk notifications via a security dashboard, CryptoShield consolidates essential functionalities into a single platform.

Human-Readable Transaction Insights

Traditionally, transaction confirmations display only gas fees and require simple approval. However, the CryptoShield Snap revolutionizes this experience by breaking down transactions within MetaMask, providing users with comprehensive insights into the assets involved, including risk factors like wallet drainers.

This clarity instills confidence during transactions, empowering users to make informed decisions about their crypto movements in plain language.


For instance, if a website offers a seemingly free NFT mint but is actually a potential wallet drainer, CryptoShield promptly alerts users, enabling them to assess risks and reject transactions accordingly.

Activate human-readable transactions now with the CryptoShield Snap!

Alerts & Notifications for Enhanced Security

Navigating the web3 landscape necessitates staying informed about potential risks to your assets. CryptoShield simplifies this process by issuing alerts and notifications to warn users of any emerging threats.

Whether it's reminders to improve wallet health, revoke open approvals, or manage wallet hygiene, the CryptoShield Snap ensures streamlined wallet safety for users.


Receive alerts and notifications directly in your MetaMask wallet with the CryptoShield Snap!

Comprehensive Security Dashboard

Conduct a thorough security scan using the Security Dashboard to evaluate your wallet's health score and receive recommendations for enhancing its security.

From identifying malicious transactions and open approvals to revoking risky permissions directly from the dashboard, the CryptoShield Snap prioritizes wallet security.


For instance, if you've granted a marketplace on-chain approval to manage your NFT collection, CryptoShield highlights the associated risks and facilitates approval revocation to protect your assets from potential exploits.

Run your complimentary security scan upon enabling the CryptoShield Snap!

Integration with MetaMask

Elevate your web3 browsing confidence by adding the CryptoShield Snap to MetaMask with just a few clicks, bolstering your wallet's security layer alongside over 50,000 already protected wallets.


Step 1: Add the CryptoShield Snap to MetaMask from our website or the MetaMask Snaps Directory.

Step 2: Conduct a security scan via the dashboard to assess open approvals, risky transactions, and other security metrics.

Step 3: Revoke open approvals and address any identified risks to ensure wallet safety.

Our Snap undergoes thorough auditing by Consensys Diligence, and its open-source repository is available on GitHub. Operating within MetaMask's sandboxed environment, the CryptoShield Snap prioritizes asset protection, ensuring no asset movement or interaction occurs without explicit user permission and approval.

Protect your assets confidently with the CryptoShield Snap integrated into MetaMask!